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Small Business

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Are you struggling with the demands of your small business? 
And maybe those of your family?  


So you have had a great idea and started your own business - well done to you! 


Entrepreneurs of all genders, cultures and ages are the lifeblood of our communities and our country.


Living the dream ....... free to work your own hours, being your own boss, spending more time with your friends and family, making lots of money instead of getting a boring old regular pay day.


That may be you and the business is thriving and so are you - if so, fabulous!  I am sure you have worked hard and you are getting the results you deserve.


You may be happy to go it alone, or perhaps you would still like a mentor to talk through your thoughts, ideas and issues - I would be happy to help.


OR maybe the reality has become a little bit different.


Does this sound more familiar now?


Working from dawn 'til dusk or later, have parts of the business where you are confident and others you neglect because you don't know how or where to start, feeling pressured by family needs, no social life, confused by too much information, juggling demands of your customers while trying to manage and work the business, trying to be everything to everyone.....


Exhausted, stressed, confused and maybe seeing your bank balance plunge.... it's  not how you imagined your own business to be.


How can you get back on track, retrieve the energy and passion you started with, work on your own feelings and emotions, work on a strategy to organise or re-arrange your business to achieve a higher level of efficiency and profitability - so you can ultimately find more time for yourself, for your ideas and for your family and friends and still enjoy a great business.


Or maybe 'the elephant in the room' - it is time you faced the reality and make those plans to get out.


Working with a professional counsellors, experienced in the problems that we face in managing a life and a business can do wonders for you, your business and your family.


You might need practical help in looking at the whole business set-up and how you can improve it, identify specific areas to work on, look for resources that can help you learn and grow.


Your needs might be more focus on time management, juggling the needs of your business with those of your family or social network or give you a forum to talk about what makes you tick, where you are at physically and emotionally and where you would like to be.


I am very aware, through my own experiences, of the time and financial constraints of many micro and small businesses and can offer day, evening or weekend sessions at reasonable rates.


During COVID19 restrictions, all sessions will need to be conducted as online therapy.  

However, once we are able to, counselling in Melbourne would be done at your premises initially as it is important that I get a full picture of you and your business.


Call me for a free 20 minute consultation to talk about what you need and how I can help.


Not sure what area of the business to tackle next?  Too much to do and while you work hard, the to do list just gets bigger.  Problems with staff - low productivity, lack of focus or perhaps the wrong ones?  Family on your case?

Money Worries

More dollars going out than coming in?  Pressure from lenders?  Customers not paying?  Struggling to pay suppliers?  Not enough capital?  Personal needs putting stress on business finance?  No money for you or not enough, wages bill too high?


Working too many hours?  Dealing with issues too late at night or too early in the day?  Never getting home or family time?  Losing contact with friends?  Juggling too many parts of the business.

Does this sound like you?


Not sure what direction you are going or if the different areas of your business are connecting well and efficient?




Let's look at where you are now, where you want to be and how to get there.



Small Business Counselling

Running a small business can be a challenging and stressful time juggling the long hours, time away from family and perhaps friends too, managing staff, trying to be everything to everyone, handling administration tasks, working on all parts of the business and trying to work out what is most important for the business and for you.


Counselling and support from professional counsellors can help you work out where you are at, what your strengths and weaknesses are, how to move forward and where you need the most help.


This help can be through short or long term talking through your issues and/or walking side by side with you in your business to help you manage the many demands you face everyday, or I can give you practical help in financial management, staff recruitment and management of the day to day running of your business. 

There are some great resources available to help you in your small business from both the practical and the personal perspective - here are some links to just 3.

Or if you are really struggling from a personal and emotional perspective, have a look at this information about mental health

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